Finally it is here. The Lens & Lori's Land new website. Well what do you think? .... Maybe you want to look around first, thats ok. As you can see, on the right there is the route info. This site can be navigated as if you were going on a day trip. On this trip you will see a kinds of stuff that is going on in Lens & Lori Land.

We hope you will have a good trip. So long and be carefull, but be sure to enjoy yourself, what ever you do!
Lens & Lori Land - Bureau for Promotion and Marketing of L&LL
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Archimedeslaan 41 huis. Make you own badge here.

Voila here are the pictures of the house we are looking at
[added 05-05-05]


The first pictures are online of our 2004 US trip in october

As most people know my contract will not be extended due to the budget cuts. Find me a job!
Maybe this resume wil help.[added 29-09-03]

The new pictures are Online! Over 5 rolls and some polariods. Check them out! All taken during Lens & Lori's april 2003 Californian vacation. Two weeks of fun in the sun!.[added 05-05-03]
YummY. Gimme more of those
Hot Now Krispy Kreme's

Wanna see my Weblog? Then GO here. It even got its own logo. I might even make it my home page instead if this mess.[added 06-03-03]

Some pictures of a recent Dinner Party. Fun for those who were there. If you weren't there you can still look at them but really, why? [added 21-10-02]

Lens holding Lori's trophy for Lori's achievement of biking to
the Mediteranian with Lens, awarded by Rutger & Bert,
Lens and Lori's uncles

Now finally online: THE BIKE JOURNAL. Read all about the joys and pains of biking to the South of France! [added 17-09-02]


Lori's Family invades Europe: here they are resting under the Arc De Triomphe
after a rainy day seeing the sights in Paris

Check out the pictures of Lori's family. All of them are from Tim and Connies camera, put online without editing! Don't go home without them...
[added 01-08-02]